Nathan's Rainbow Connection Letter
To our loving friends and family:
In 1979, the classic children’s film, “The Muppet Movie” was born. The film features the famous Muppet Kermit the Frog
who is traveling to Hollywood to find stardom with the intent of making people happy. The movie begins and ends with a
performance of one of the most recognized tunes performed by Jim Henson, “The Rainbow Connection.”
The song on the surface is about an individual who is trying to find one’s dreams and make them a reality. Interpreting the
lyrics of the song, however, we could contend that the song is a metaphor about life and has a much deeper meaning. The
first two lyrics convey a question to the listener about why “things” happen in life, the purpose that we serve, and simply
about the unknown source of our life’s experiences:
Why are there so many songs about rainbows?
And what’s on the other side?
As most of you are aware, ever since our son Nathan was born, he has struggled with every facet of infant life: eating,
sleeping, playing, and just being happy, as an infant normally should be. After many months of appointments with doctors
and other medical professionals, Nathan was diagnosed at eight months of age with a large brain tumor on Saturday, June 2,
2012. Nathan’s tumor was emanating from his medulla, which controls vital functions of the body such as eating and
breathing. As you can imagine, our emotions ranged from extreme fear about what the future held for “our little guy” to
frustration and even anger about “why us?” No parent ever imagines that their son or daughter would ever face the
magnitude of this type of issue in life.
After several meetings with a world renown pediatric neurosurgeon, Dr. Ian Pollack, and Dr. Regina Jakacki, a leading
pediatric neuro-oncologist, it was determined that the best course of action for Nathan was to surgically remove as much of
the tumor as possible. Our doctors were estimating that if they could remove 50 percent of the tumor we could consider this a
success. Further, nobody could tell us with certainty prior to the surgery whether the tumor was benign or malignant.
On June 5, 2012, Nathan underwent an 8-hour surgery to resect as much of the tumor as possible under the precise hands of
Dr. Pollack. At 4:00 p.m., Dr. Pollack emerged from the operating room with news we will never forget. The tumor, based on
preliminary (and later confirmed by the final) pathology results, was benign. The surgeon was able to remove in excess of 75
percent of the tumor. The tumor that remains in Nathan’s brain is within the medulla itself. Nathan will continue to be
monitored every three months with an MRI under the care of Dr. Jakacki until he is old enough to radiate the tumor to
eradicate it. It is no doubt that with the negative diagnosis we received we were given the best possible prognosis that we
could have ever imagined.
Throughout this ordeal, you, our friends and family, have asked on countless occasions what you can do for us. Our answer
has and always will be first and foremost – prayers. It sounds cliché, but Beth and I believe after many late night and early
morning conversations that this happened for a reason. We also believe that the power of prayer is what carried our family
through this and resulted in the positive prognosis we were given. We could not have done this without you and we will be
forever grateful.
Pondering this question a little further, however, Beth and I believe we need to pay it forward. We want to help future
families who may have a child suffering from a brain tumor to be given the same chance or better chance than Nathan has
been given. We want these families to avoid having to go through what we are experiencing. With that in mind, we are
asking each of you to consider making a donation in honor of Nathan Leckey to Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh of UPMC.
Nathan’s fight is not over, and we believe this to be a great cause. All proceeds of your donation will be used to support the
research efforts of Dr. Ian Pollack and Dr. Regina Jakacki to discover new methods to diagnose and treat children with
pediatric brain tumors. We have heard from our family members how much each of you want to do for us, and this is truly
what Beth and I would like to have done. We strongly believe that God equipped these two doctors and all the other medical
professionals involved in his treatment with great talent and skills. This gave him a chance to be what a child his age should
be – happy and full of life. Please give that same chance to another child. Attached is a form for donations to this great
cause. Every contribution, large or small, makes a difference. Our fight to help this cause will not end with this letter. We
will continue to support the research behind pediatric brain tumors through other fundraising efforts in the future.
Reflecting back on the “Rainbow Connection,” later in the song, Jim Henson writes the following two lyrics:
Who said that every wish would be heard and answered?
When wished on the morning star
Beth and I believe our wish, or prayer, was heard and answered by the Lord. Nathan is a miracle. It’s not unintentional in the
song that Henson uses the term morningstar, which is also used in the Bible to refer to the Lord (Revelation 22:16).
Throughout this experience we have found a deeper faith in God and the true power of prayer. Without your prayers and
concern, I am not sure Nathan would be where he is today. We love him immensely and counted on you throughout these
trying times. We thank you for all you have done up to this point. We are so overwhelmed by the goodness that each and
every one of you has shown to us. We will pray for you in return for good health, peace, and prosperity. More importantly,
we will pray that you will get to know the Lord better like we did over the past month.
Love and prayers always,
Mike, Beth, and Nathan
P.S. Feel free to forward this letter on to as many people who know about Nathan or have been praying for Nathan.
We would like to make this initiative as productive as possible. Thank you once again!
DONOR INFORMATION _____________________________________________ _ _
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Please accept my gift in the amount of:
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I prefer to make a pledge, payable over up to 5 years.
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Please send annual reminders in this month____________________
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Exp. Date: __________________________ Signature: _________________________________________________
My employer will match this gift; my form is enclosed.
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Please send me information about planned giving options.
This gift is in honor of Nathan Leckey (Please notify Mr. and Mrs. Michael Leckey)
For more information on ways to support the Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh Foundation, please contact Bree Mueller at 412-692-3926 or
Please sign and mail your pledge form and payment to:
Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh Foundation
Attn: Bree Mueller
One Children’s Hospital Drive
Central Plant, Floor 3
4401 Penn Ave
Pittsburgh, PA 15224
Thank you for supporting Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh Foundation. Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh Foundation is the sole fund-raising arm of Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh of UPMC.
The Foundation exists to provide financial support for the hospital’s mission to improve the health and well-being of all children through patient care, teaching and research. The Foundation is a
public charity under 501(c)(3) and 170(b)(1)(A) of the Internal Revenue Service Code. Contributions are tax deductible to the extent permitted by law.