May 20, 2013
Good Evening!
Since Nathan usually receives his scans every 2-3 months, it seems like I am always writing at the change of a season. As the end of the school year approaches and June is almost here, Mike and I have a great deal to be thankful for. We are approaching the one year anniversary of Nathan's diagnosis. Nathan was admitted to Children's on May 30th of last year for feeding trouble. On June 2, we received the dreaded news that Nathan had a brain tumor. On June 5, our very courageous 8 month old little boy underwent an 8 hour brain surgery to resect as much of his tumor as they possibly could. On that day, we didn't know if our son would make it through the surgery because he was so week and fragile. On that day, we sat with our families as we patiently waited for any small update the nurse would give to let us know that our son was still alive and doing well. On that day, we rejoiced the moment the nurse came out of the OR to let us knowNathan had made it through the surgery and was in stable condition. On that day, we all took a deep breath when his surgeon humbly said he was able to remove 80% of the tumor and he believes the tumor to be benign. On that day, my brother text messaged us the following words that remind us that this is a journey and each day we work towards makingNathan a healthier little boy than he was the day before.
"Today is the first day we get up and don't have to try and figure out what is wrong with Nathan. Today is the first day we get to cure Nathan. Today he stops getting worse and starts getting better. We have the right pictures, the right diagnosis, and the right surgeon and a stronger 8 month old than anyone can imagine. Today he starts to get better."
You have all walked this journey with us over the past year. It has been many long days at the hospital, hours and hours of therapy, and countless prayers. The last three MRI scans have not shown the results we had hoped for, butNathan has continued to fight through whatever he has been faced with. We finally received some great news afterNathan's last MRI this past Thursday. We learned that the tumor has remained stable from his scan on March 6th. There is no new growth and the inoperable portion of the tumor within the medulla has remained the same. For a tumor likeNathan's, that is great news! We know that chemotherapy will most likely not be the final cure for Nathan. The goal of the chemotherapy treatment is to hold the tumor as stable as possible until he is old enough for radiation, which is usually the cure for children like Nathan. The absolute youngest age that radiation is safe for a child is 3. The younger the child, the higher the risk for long term effects. It appears that we have found the right combination of medications and the right dose to hold the tumor at bay for now. We will continue to follow the same regimen of three weeks of chemo and one week off for one year as long as Nathan can tolerate it, the tumor continues to respond in the same way or better, and he does not build up an intolerance to the drugs. One of the most difficult things for Mike and I to do is watch these "poisons" as I like to call them go into our child's body. We have no idea what kind of long term effects they will have on Nathan, but we know it is our only choice. After this last scan, we were finally able to take a deep breath and cry tears of joy knowing we finally found something that is working.
Nathan has continued to make great strides developmentally. He finally took his first few steps right before his 19 month birthday. He gets a real kick out of himself when he actually lets go and walks a few steps on his how. Walking will be a challenge for Nathan due to the left sided weakness, but as we have learned...don't even try to challenge him because he will win every time. He continues to take more and more food by mouth which allows us to decrease the amount of food he gets through his feeding tube. One of his greatest challenges is drinking. He is unable to take consecutive sips from a cup or a straw and only wants to drink from a spoon. He also continues to not use his left arm and hand unless he has to. Although his sleeping has improved, it is still a daily challenge. Nathan's tumor effects almost every aspect of his development, but he has learned how to compensate for his deficiencies and function very well.
We know God is hearing our prayers. We know there is no way Nathan would be doing as well as he is right now if we didn't have this incredible support system that prays for him every day. Oddly enough, Nathan's favorite thing to do right now is say prayers over and over and over again. After we are done with every prayer we always have to say, "God Bless Nathan, Amen." Once we are done, he calmly looks at us and says, "again." So what do we got it...say them again and again. During his chemo treatment at the hospital today the people next to us must have been wondering what in the world was going on. My little 1 1/2 year old sat on the big chair and listened to me say prayers for about an hour. Although never easy, Nathan found a way to make watching my son receive chemo for 2 hours very manageable today. Thanks little buddy! If repetition scores any extra points with the "man in charge, " I think we are in good shape!
Please know that you are all in our thoughts and prayers every night. Thank you for your continued support and love. Please know that your prayers are working. It is the greatest gift you have given Nathan and our family. We all get to celebrate with this update because we finally got to hear some positive news this week. When we spend time in the oncology clinic like we did today, we realize how lucky we are. It is an extremely humbling experience that reminds us what is important in life. We are grateful for each and every one of you. Having Nathan with us one year after his diagnosis is not something we think about lightly. I am sure some of those parents we were with this afternoon may not have their son or daughter one year from today. You can bet that I gave my little man an extra hug tonight!
From the bottom of our hearts...thank you! We hope you all have a relaxing summer!
Mike, Beth, and Nathan