December 1, 2014
Happy Holiday Season!
It has been a busy couple of months here at the Leckey house. It is so hard to believe we are in the season of winter Holidays already. We are slowly coming out of the “new baby fog” and entering the reality that we are a busy family of four. Samuel is a very sweet and calm little boy. He has completely changed Nathan’s world. Nathan adores his every move and doesn’t want to go anywhere without him. It warms our hearts to hear him talk to Samuel in a soft gentle voice and give him kisses on his head. We love seeing them together and can’t wait to watch them become buddies.
Nathan had his 17th MRI yesterday. The scan showed the tumor to be stable from his last scan two months ago. He has been receiving a chemotherapy drug called Avastin every two weeks for the past 7 months. This is the longest period of time Nathan has remained on one therapy since he was diagnosed. In the pediatric chemotherapy world, a drug is named successful when a child stays on the same drug for usually a year and then is able to come off the drug and the tumor remains stable off therapy.
We have learned the key to treating a low-grade glioma without radiation is to find the magic drug that will stabilize the tumor. Over 50% of tumors like Nathan’s stabilize on the first therapy used. He is now on the fifth therapy in 2 ½ years. Nathan’s tumor is rare and has been challenging to treat. Although we would give anything to see the wwhite mass on the MRI image just disappear, we have accepted that is not a reality at this point. We have most likely seen the maximum effects of his current chemotherapy and now we wait and pray it continues to stabilize on and off therapy. Unfortunately, some of Nathan’s symptoms have regressed and the doctor believes this may be Nathan’s new baseline. He has significant drool, chronic hiccups, weakness in his neck which causes a tilt, left sided fine motor weakness, compromised swallow, and weakened vocal cords. He is currently receiving four therapies a week to address these weaknesses and try to overcome the damage to the nerves. Nathan will continue to receive Avastin infusions at the hospital every two weeks for as long as his body tolerates the drug. The goal is to make it to one year.
After a long day of testing, Nathan received his 55th round of chemotherapy yesterday. It has been a long road for our little boy with many days spent at the hospital and too many pokes to count. The scary part is that in Nathan’s world this is what he knows to be normal. Nathan has always been very observant and aware of every move someone makes at the hospital. He knows what and who he can trust and does unbelievably in that safe environment. Yesterday was the exception. The moment the elevator opened and he realized he wasn’t doing his normal 9th floor routine, a fear set in that broke our hearts. He said, “I don’t want to go here today mommy. I want to go see my nurse Ms. Patty and get an IV. I don’t want to lay down and put something on my face.” His normal innocent play at the kitchen while he waits was now spent talking through how he is going to sleep with the special mask. At the end of our conversation he hugged me and said, “I will be brave mommy.” I couldn’t help but cry and do everything I could to take his fears away. Although I said to him it would go super fast, I know he will have to go through this over and over again. He was so scared and I had to just watch it happen.
Nathan knew from the moment he woke up yesterday that something was different. He said, “Are we going to the hospital today mommy? Am I going to get a shot?” The hardest part of this whole situation is trying to feel normal in the middle of a storm that has changed who we are and how we think. Mike and I took the boys to Phipps on Sunday evening to enjoy the holiday flowers and light show. For a few hours, we were able to forget what we had to do the next day and could feel a sense of joy that is often difficult to find. Although there is not a day that goes by that we don’t want to ask, “why us” we stop ourselves because we will never know why. We will never understand why there are families this Christmas who will lose their children to this horrible disease. Our very dear friend, Debbie, wrote us a poem about a year ago that reminded us that God chose us for this path and we have to be the parents he wants us to be. We have to teach Nathan to be strong and brave through our example. We have been given the gift of a child who knows strength beyond our comprehension and it is our job to guide him. Little does Nathan know he teaches us first and then we model after him to give him everything he needs to fight and be brave.
We have gotten to know so many special children at the hospital. This Thanksgiving and Holiday is different for us. Our normal life involves many many hours at a pediatric cancer clinic, which makes all the stresses people feel over decorating and shopping very trivial. This Christmas is a time to reflect on the blessings we are given and watching the magic of Christmas through a child’s eyes. This holiday season we are beyond grateful for all of you and the strength you give us every day. We are in the midst of this journey and only God knows how it will end. We have to trust him. Your words of encouragement and constant prayers are what keep us going. I have said it before and I will say it again, you are our village that helps us raise Nathan and get him through this. From the bottom of our hearts, thank you!
We wish you all a very Merry Christmas and healthy new year! Every night we pray for all of you and the gift you are to our family.
Mike, Beth, Nathan, and Samuel
MRI #17
General Anesthesia #21
We have come a long way!
Merry Christmas 2014