May 17, 2018
Nathan completed his second cycle today. He was a total champ. He was patient with the nurses during the pokes and helped them with all the blood draws. We have met the sweetest nurses here. They are great with Nathan and walk him through everything step by step. They answer his ten thousand questions and teach him the process so he is not scared. So far, everything is going pretty smoothly. Nathan and I enjoyed time together playing, reading, writing comics, and building legos. It's amazing how much you can get done when you have the day to just play.
Thank you for your continued thoughts and prayers. We are doing our best to just take things day by day and not get overwhelmed by the big picture. Some days are definitely easier than others, but Nathan pushes himself every day to just keep on going, so we will do the same.
We will come home tomorrow for a week and then come back again at the end of the month. So good!!
We found our spot and built T-Rex Nathan knows the airport routine better than I do.
Boston, here we come! Second long day complete!!
Everything went well.
Nathan was diagnosed with a JPA brain tumor when he was 8 months old. This blog is a journal of his story. Since he is not old enough to understand his illness, he will one day read this blog and learn how hard he fights every day to win this battle. Thank you for your words of love, support, and encouragement. Our family is forever grateful.
Nathan was granted a wish from Make-A-Wish in November of 2015. He wished to have a truck stop in his back yard. Our friends at Make-A-Wish made his dreams come true. They built a play structure in the backyard for him to play with his trucks and enjoy being a kid.
Please donate to this amazing cause!
Checks made payable to Make-A-Wish Foundation can be sent to: Michael Leckey at 310 Macintosh Dr. Mars, PA 16046 or donations can be made online by following the link on the right.
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