
Nathan was granted a wish from Make-A-Wish in November of 2015. He wished to have a truck stop in his back yard. Our friends at Make-A-Wish made his dreams come true. They built a play structure in the backyard for him to play with his trucks and enjoy being a kid.

Please donate to this amazing cause!
Checks made payable to Make-A-Wish Foundation can be sent to: Michael Leckey at 310 Macintosh Dr. Mars, PA 16046 or donations can be made online by following the link on the right.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

February 1, 2012

We went to the doctor today for Nathan's 4 month check up.  He got 3
shots and 1 oral vaccination.  We had to wait about 40 minutes for the
doctor.  Pap kept him laughing and happy for a long time, but by the
time the doctor came in Nathan had enough.  He was tired and crying
before the exam even started.  So you can imagine that once the
examination and shots came around everything went down hill.  Nathan
was not a happy camper.  Once we got him settled and in the car he
passed out for his usual 30 minute cat nap.  He is sleeping in his
crib now and seems just fine.

The doctor said he looks perfectly healthy.  He said that he is long
and lean...that clearly does not come from my side of the family (ha
ha).  His neck is crocked to one side because the muscles are tighter
on one side than the other.  It has been like this since he was born.
They call it Torticollis.  They will grow out of it, but he will have
to have some physical therapy or it will not loosen on its own.  Who
knew there was infant physical therapy??  We got the ok to start rice
cereal, oatmeal, and food so we will see how that goes.  Overall, we
got a good report so that was good.

Weight: 12.1 lbs (5th percentile)
Height: 25 1/2 inches (75th percentile)
Head: 41 1/2cm (35th percentile)

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