
Nathan was granted a wish from Make-A-Wish in November of 2015. He wished to have a truck stop in his back yard. Our friends at Make-A-Wish made his dreams come true. They built a play structure in the backyard for him to play with his trucks and enjoy being a kid.

Please donate to this amazing cause!
Checks made payable to Make-A-Wish Foundation can be sent to: Michael Leckey at 310 Macintosh Dr. Mars, PA 16046 or donations can be made online by following the link on the right.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

June 5, 2013

From Mike to our family.

Dear Family,

For those that don't know, our little Nathan has long had feeding and movement problems.  Beth and Mike have been fighting to figure out what is causing Nathan's problems for many many months now, bringing him to different doctors and sub-specialities from Pittsburgh to Boston and back.  He was admitted to Children's Hospital last Wednesday and on Saturday we learned that the source of Nathan's problems was a large tumor on his brain.  This particular tumor originates in an important part of his brain, near the brain stem that controls many of our most vital functions. It was determined that immediate surgery is required.  We spent a few days consulting surgeons from many different places and Beth and Mike chose a wonderful pediatric neurosurgeon who specializes in precisely this area.  We met with him yesterday and Nathan went in for surgery this morning.  The surgery is very delicate because of the origin of the tumor and unlikely to be able to remove all of the tumor, but we pray for the best.  We do not know if the tumor is malignant (cancerous) or benign as yet, but all indications to date from multiple opinions are that it is what's known as a low-grade glioma, which is an absolute best case scenario and the surgeon is very hopeful for a good outcome, as are we.  

My mom will keep everyone updated as best she can.  Beth and Mike are unable to respond to emails for some time but I'm sure they will enjoy reading your responses at some point.  Obviously Nathan can't have any visitors for a long time as he'll go directly to the intensive care unit, but all of your thoughts are prayers are so welcome.  We have already gotten a first report and thus far Nathan is doing well.  He is a strong little boy and will continue to fight, as he has for all of this time.  His mom and dad have been as remarkable and resourceful as anyone could imagine in their wildest dreams.  Nathan is a very lucky little boy.  

I hope all is well otherwise. 


p.s. on a side note, Jaime and I had a baby two weeks ago, Alexa Teresa Talkowski, she's pretty cool.  I'm guessing my mom has already mentioned this.


  1. We're praying for the little guy and love you all. Please keep us updated and I hope everything goes well.

    The Russo's

  2. Our prayers go out to Little Nathan, and especially Mike and Beth as they stay strong through this challenging time.

    We're here if you need ANYTHING.

    Love, Mark, Di and kids

  3. Dear Beth and Mike and the entire family, We are sending prayers and thinking of you and baby Nathan. You have been constantly in our thoughts. Let us know if we can do anything to be of help.
    Love B & Sherry
